marți, 19 ianuarie 2010

cand am sa cresc??

sunt ma cunosc ma cred..sau cred prea ce tre sa ma sufoci daca suntem ce nu pot sa zborrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
de ce mi iei cerul si mi l ce??
de ce nu mi raspunzi la 'te iubesc? cu aceeasi ce suntem prea gelosi si prea nemultumiti ce Doamne!
de ce accept?de ce nu sunt lucrurile complete?de ce omul care ma iubeste si ma face femeie nu ma intelege ca sunt nascuta liberaaaaa si ca am nevoie de respirat singuraaaaaaaaaaaa...Doamne de ce si a doua oara!

Words can't describe what I feel
When I'm alone with you at night
Words seem to fail
A single smile upon your face
Will make my day

Words don't explain what it means
To hold you in my arms again
Words cannot say
How I love to be with you
In every way

l fly if you will see me I'm getting high on love and feeling
I take your hand
I hold your face
Your lips feel soft
Let's make it last for days

Higher 'than the eagle
We'll fly away with love and feeling
And I can't wait until you see me
See me again

There are times when we're apart
And when I think of you
I hold my pounding heart
And all l want to do
Is to be close you
And every time it's like a brand new start

Words don't explain what it means
To hold you in my arms again
Words cannot say
How I love to be with you
In every way

I fly if you will see me
I'm getting high on love and feeling
I take your hand
And hold your face
Your lips feel soft
Let's make it last for days

Higher that the eagle
We'll fly away with love and feeling
Yes I can wait until you see me again

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